Author: wpadmin-groove

Newsletter #5


The last three months from September till December, the @GROOVE partners and VET trainers have been embarked on fully activities. Throughout piloting sessions at local level, VET trainers and VET learners delved into a spectrum of crucial topics aimed at enhancing the professional and personal development in digital transformation in VET centres.

During November and December, Groove´s organizations have promoted for the engagement of the VET providers, teachers/trainers, VET organizations and institutions, policymakers in VET education, and VET learners, with the resources developed, they have presented in detail: the Toolkit for developing a digital strategy in VET, the Digital transformation intelligent tutor and online learning space, and the digital transformation training programme.

At the beginning of December, partners joined in Viena for the final management meeting and to have the opportunity to share the feedback from participants in the piloting sessions and promotional events.

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Newsletter #4


On May 30th, the @GROOVE partners and VET trainers participated in the Learning, Teaching and Training Activity of the project. The event was a great opportunity to enhance vocational education and digital transformation knowledge and skills.

At the beginning of the training, participants delightfully enjoyed two outdoor study visits along with an informative walk in the old city of Nicosia. Specifically, they visited the Information Center and Training for Employment and Entrepreneurship (KEEAED) of the Municipality of Nicosia and the CYENS – Thinker Maker Space. The following days partners co-organised activities and workshops related to the digital transformation of the VET sector.

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Newsletter #3


On September 28th, @stpeuropa took part in an event organized by CIPAJ (Center of Information for Youngsters) aimed at promoting education and employment opportunities. During the event, @stpeuropa shared the results of the GROOVE project, which is an EU initiative focused on digitalization in the vocational education and training sector.

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Newsletter #2

The GROOVE partnership has been working in the Toolkit for developing a digital strategy in VET. The aim of this toolkit is to build the capacity of VET professionals to design and develop a digital action plan. Also, is contains strategies that aim to enhance educators’ digital skills, and learners’ digital literacy.

During the last month, we have tested the toolkit with our local committee with positive feedback.

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Newsletter #1

The GROOVE project was kicked-off ONLINE, on January 31st, 2022. Representatives from six EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain) and will be actively supporting the aims of the GROOVE project.

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