GROOVE Toolkit_Final Version_090223

8 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000033254] community and support among students, which can be especially important for students who are studying remotely. • Moreover, the use of online learning platforms can also enable VET providers to collect and analyze data on student performance, which can be used to improve the effectiveness of their training programs. This can be done through tracking student progress, providing feedback on their performance and providing support if needed. Why is Digitalisation in the VET sector important? The use of digital skills in education significantly influenced the quality of education as well as its forms and methods as they have altered the way people communicate ideas, learn and work. Yet, digitalisation in the educational sector is a phenomenon that still requires new knowledge and skills to remain aligned with the rapid technological progress, the needs of the market, and the competences required for individual learners and workers to excel. The VET sector, similar to most industries today, is being challenged to remain aligned with the rapid technological changes and the digital world. With extensive lockdowns due to COVID-19, this digital transformation accelerated in the past years. Nowadays, due to the aforementioned reasons, the professional activity of labourers incorporates an additional intellectual component associated with working with advanced electronic devices, artificial intelligence systems, computers etc. At the same, not only the learners’ but also the educators’ digital competences need improving. As a result, the issues of digital transformation for educational institutions became highly important. In addition, the development and support of digital transformation in the VET sector are important because digital education raises learners’ participation and cooperation as well as independence in the learning process, which must be taken into consideration. Moreover, the cultivation of digital skills and competences is a way to decrease the discrepancy between teachers’ and students’ digital backgrounds, which is expected to benefit both the educators as well as the learners to excel in their careers and be prepared for the continuous technological progress that is still on the way. VET is a wide sector in education, thus, people from numerous fields and with various experiences and skillsets can acquire digital knowledge. The knowledge and impact of using digital tools in the hands of different participants can have different performance results for individual learners based on their backgrounds. This consists of another reason for seeking efficient ways for supporting digitalisation in the VET sector. Furthermore, certain observations conclude that the widespread use of digital portfolios is becoming prominent among VET providers and their students, as they can prove to be a valuable tool to help the above document and showcase the skills they have acquired throughout their