GROOVE Toolkit_Final Version_090223

18 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000033254] Example 3 – Learning scenario COMPETENCE 2.1 Interacting through digital technologies PROFICIENCY LEVEL 2 I can use a commonly-used chat on my smartphone (e.g. Facebook messenger or WhatsApp) to talk to my classmates and organise group work. I can choose other digital communication means on the classroom tablet (e.g. my classroom forum) that could be useful to talk about the details of organising group work. I can fix problems such as adding or deleting members to the chat group by myself. Description and Utility of the DigComp 2.1 Framework From 2013 up until now, DigComp has been used for multiple purposes, particularly in the context of employment, education and training, and lifelong learning in three main areas: 1) policy formulation and support; 2) instructional planning for education, training and employment; and 3) assessment and certification. DigComp has been put into practice at the EU level, for example, to construct a European- wide indicator called “Digital skills” which is used to monitor the Digital Economy and Society. Another example is incorporated into the Europass CV enabling jobseekers to evaluate their own digital competence and include the evaluation in their Curriculum Vitaes (Vuorikari et al., 2016,). It is quite essential to align national and transnational policies with widely accepted frameworks in order to form consistency, transparency and recognition. Therefore, DigComp is a beneficial way to create a common understanding of training and certification across a broad geographical and sectoral coverage. However, as there is little knowledge on the topic, not many people are aware firstly of its existence and secondly of its actions and further possibilities. The theoretical aspects of DigComp must be embedded into practical training and certification schemes in order to gain the most out of its use and benefits (CEPIS, 2021). Following 5 steps, DigComp is adapted and specified to set the relevant digital competence and proficiency levels for a given target population or policy and strategic use. This step is often based on a preliminary identification and analysis of the needs and/or opportunities to develop digital competence of that target population and a certain context. It is used to assess the digital