GROOVE Toolkit_Final Version_090223
52 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000033254] Step 3: Prepare for Culture Change • Who will be involved in developing a (new) digital strategy for your organization? Your executive board? Staff? Learners? • How will you involve them? Through meetings? Consultations? Working groups? • Does your current infrastructure support the planned amendments? Do you need to invest in technological equipment? • What resources will you need to achieve your goals? Are they based on course fees? Governmental grants? Corporate partnerships? Voluntary contributions? Everyone in your company will need to adapt to the idea of digital transformation. One of the key contributors to a successful transformation is the company’s culture. Ensure that all the employees understand the motives behind the adjustments and must be willing to participate. Organizations with a culture that can embrace these changes, inspire collaboration, and motivate their employees for their digital transformation plan are more built for success. This means that the decision to implementation of a digital transformation plan is more collaborative than a single-handed decision and needs to be taken as such to minimize the risk of failure. Also, you need to assess your current technology infrastructure and amend it according to the imminent changes and the technologies that will help you carry on with your digitalisation aims. Before investing in new technology, you also need to be certain that it aligns with your goals and fills the gap in your organization. Various solutions can assist you with your digital transformation, but it requires a lot of decision- making. You need to take time choosing the right technology to avoid wasting time and money. In addition, creating organizational partnerships and searching for voluntary contributions or governmental grants can assist your goals and provide you with funding or tools that you can utilize. Step 4: Building your Execution Team • Who will help you achieve your goals? • Have you already mapped your potential partners who share similar priorities? Where are they based – in your community, or perhaps also at the national or European level? • How exactly will you execute your plan? Who will be responsible for it? • How will you measure success (you need to be explicit on what you consider success)? There might be cases when new employees need to join the team to help with building a competent execution team to better implement the digital transformation plan. For instance, Business- technology liaisons, Technologists, and IT specialists are critical for the execution and success of digital transformation planning. Even if all employees are willing to participate and open to the potential amendments in multiple organizational factors, there is still the need to narrow the team down to the employees/people that are going to comprise the execution team. The employees or team who will lead the
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