GROOVE Toolkit_Final Version_090223

33 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000033254] SUB-ELEMENTS DESCRIPTORS Digital Competence is promoted, benchmarked, and assessed 17. Staff and students are Digitally-Competent 18. Safety, risks and responsible behaviour in online environments are foregrounded 19. The Digital Competence (DC) of staff and students is benchmarked 20. DC is included in the staff appraisal A rethinking of roles and pedagogical approaches take place 21. Staff are partners in change 22. New roles are envisaged for staff 23. New roles are envisaged for students 24. Pedagogical approaches are expanded 25. Personalized learning is developed 26. Creativity is promoted 27. Collaboration and group work is expected 28. Social and emotional skills are developed Professional Development This competence is linked to the continuous, comprehensive, and customized professional development (CPD) of staff in the educational organization. This broad development will enable trainees to integrate new modes of teaching and learning that use digital learning technologies to achieve broader learning outcomes. ~ SUB-ELEMENTS DESCRIPTORS - 29. A commitment to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is evident 30. CPD is provided for staff at all levels 31. CPD is aligned with individual and organizational needs 32. A wide range of CPD approaches is evident 33. Accredited/certified CPD opportunities are promoted Assessment practices The idea of integrating this dimension in DigCompOrg is related to the need to change the assessment paradigm in educational organizations from a traditional view to a more comprehensive repertoire of practices, through the support of digital learning technologies. This collection will include more student-centred, integrated, meaningful and personalized assessment practices based on the integration of knowledge, skills and competence developed in formal, informal and non- formal contexts.