GROOVE Toolkit_Final Version_090223

23 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2021-1-CY01-KA220-VET-000033254] • Area 3 (Teaching and Learning) is dedicated to managing and orchestrating the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning. • Area 4 (Assessment) addresses the use of digital strategies to enhance assessment. • Area 5 (Empowering Learners) focuses on the potential of digital technologies for learner- centred teaching and learning strategies. • Area 6 (Facilitating Learners’ Digital Competence) details the specific pedagogic competences required to facilitate students' digital competence. To give an example, an educator proficient in Area 5 will select, create, and adapt digital resources to empower learners. In this respect, he or she will: make the resources accessible to all learners; foresee different, personalized learning pathways; and design the resources to actively involve and engage all learners. For each competence, a title and a short description are provided, which serve as the main point of reference. The DigCompEdu also proposes a progression model to help educators assess and develop their digital competence. It outlines 6 different stages through which an educator's digital competence typically develops, so as to help educators identify and decide on the specific steps to take to boost their competence at the stage they are currently at. In the first two stages, Newcomer (A1) and Explorer (A2), educators assimilate new information and develop basic digital practices; in the following two stages, Integrator (B1) and Expert (B2), they apply, further expand, and structure their digital practices; at the highest stages, Leader (C1) and Pioneer (C2), they pass on their knowledge, critique existing practice, and develop new practices. The DigCompEdu includes six different areas with a total of 22 competences defining the recommended digital skills for teachers as the following: 1. Organizational communication (use a variety of communication methods to enhance communication within their organization) 2. Professional collaboration (collaborate and share resources) 3. Reflective practice (improve your practice through critical reflection and feedback), 4. Digital CPD (continuing professional development; engage in continuous professional development using sites such as MoodleNet)