VET centers are part of a world that is constantly changing, and an increasingly digitized society and labor market. For this reason, VET trainers and centers must respond to these needs and demands of society and the labour market, in order to train VET learners of the future with the necessary skills that will help them to function in a digitalised environment. To this end, it is necessary to develop and develop frameworks for action that make it possible to agree and coordinate various aspects that affect the use of technologies in education. from those related to organizational issues, to others that are more pedagogical and typical of the teaching and learning processes.
It is at this point that VET centers need guidance and help, for which they can rely on the Intelligent tutor, a tool that can be used within the VET center itself, to serve as a point of reference and diagnosis for the VET center and as a tool for improvement for a real and adequate integration of technologies in the education of learners. This tool is developed within the Erasmus GROOVE project, which has taken as a reference the European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations (DigCompOrg), developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission.