The GROOVE eLearning space is here!
The online learning space will serve as a one-stop-shop providing instant access to the full suite of the learning resources, and other OERs that will be identified as useful in the preparation phase. All the material that will be developed during the project’s lifecycle will be uploaded in online learning space in a user-friendly way. The online learning space will host training material in different forms that the VET providers, teachers/trainers, educators, and other relevant stakeholders will be encouraged to access and benefit from in order to learn more about the DigComp framework.
Sign in or create an account to get free access to the digital transformation intelligent tutor and online learning space. The educational platform includes a self-assessment of your organisation’s digital capacity and a recommended digital action plan, an interactive training package for VET providers, OERs for digital tools and resources, and an eService forum for networking and exchange of good practices.
Access the eLearning platform here.